SalesOffice - Yapısoft - İnşaat ve Gayrimenkul Şirketleri İçin Yazılım ve Teknoloji Çözümleri

Yapısoft – İnşaat ve Gayrimenkul Şirketleri İçin Yazılım ve Teknoloji Çözümleri

Yapısoft – İnşaat ve Gayrimenkul Şirketleri İçin Yazılım ve Teknoloji Çözümleri

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Real Estate and Construction Sales Office Software

SalesOffice brings your sales network to the global with multi-currency, multi-language support, marketing tools, third-party integrations.

yapısoft salesoffıce

We move your sales offices to digital

With its advanced infrastructure and high-level integration models, SalesOffice not only allows you to monitor your sales office, but also offers you additional features to increase your sales.

Track All Sales

You can follow all the operational processes in your sales office wherever you are and access your reports instantly.

Follow Your Team

Track your work instantly, whether your team is in a single area or not. Add outsourcing agents and provide multilanguage service.

Market the Properties

Deliver your properties available for sale to your new customers through our integrations, expand your network. Make and implement your marketing planning in a short time.

SalesOffice Logo

Build your global sales network

Even if you have a multilingual sales staff network in the same sales office, you can manage your business with SalesOffice. You can realize your sales and collections with more than one currency.
web & mobıle

Access from anywhere

Access your entire company's sales organization with SalesOffice, even when you're not in your sales office. Instantly follow all transactions made on the web or mobile application.


Yapısoft SalesOffice, with its innovative features specific to the construction and real estate industry, allows you to manage your business in a more unique way than using a standard CRM.

Workflow leading to sales

SalesOffice keeps your sales team in the sales process in the most effective way. It helps you convert potential customers into sales.

Marketing Tools

It offers you the most advanced marketing tools to convert the actions of your potential and existing customers into sales.

Manages Workflow

It guides you to convert into sales by tracking customer movements and traces. It allows you to read your data correctly.

Reporting and analysis

It gives instant reports of all opened jobs. Prepares statistical data that will increase your sales success. It turns your company into the best sales rate.

Location independent access

It gives you access from anywhere without being dependent on hardware. With the multi-language option, it makes it possible to use a single platform even if more than one language is spoken in the same office.

Best sales rate

It processes your data in the most accurate way and eliminates customer skipping. It allows you to bring all incoming leads to the result.

Building Company

Discover what we can do for you.